Book of Traps, Guns, and Trapper's Supplies: 1931-1932 Edition
Manufacturer: FC Taylor Fur Company
Location: St. Louis
Date: 1931
Pages: 52 (including covers)
Subject Matter: Hunting, trapping
Comprehensive descriptions with prices. Full color covers, with the interior page's illustrations mostly in B&W, but with orange accents on some pages. Besides the illustrations of the items being sold, there are also line drawings of animals with fur, such as the badger, beaver, raccoon, mink, and the marten. With each animal illustrated there is a small description of the animal's habits, where it can be found, traps to use, trapping methods, and how skin and stretch the fur.
The coves show some edge wear, with a small missing piece on the back cover. The interior pages show some general toning, otherwise fine. 10 3/4" x 7 3/4"
Price: $70.00
Item #24006